Thursday, October 16, 2008

George Clooney, President of the United States

I've been feeling really slighted lately. I want to be the news reporter in class. I'm not sure why I don't get picked, but I mentioned to my Mom that I think it could be because I'm not a fast thinker. She said that she thinks I'm one of the fastest thinkers she ever met. I told her to ask me test questions and it went like this:

Mommy: What is 1+1?

Me: 2, quick ask me my next one

Mommy: Who is our current president?

Me: Easy, George....ummm.......ummm.....Clooney!

That wasn't the right answer. I realized before my mom said that it was George Bush that George Clooney wasn't the current president, he was our first president. Oops! An easy mistake that anyone could've made, right?

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