Monday, October 6, 2008

Re- Introducing....Matilda!!!

I know, I know, its been way too long. Mommy finally took a proper picture of me to share with all of you. Did you all realize how beautiful I was? I didn't think so. I really wanted a nice picture of myself to put on here, but I also desperately wanted these disguise glasses at CVS. My mom said that I could get them for my picture on this blog. At first, I didn't really want to do it, because let's face it, I was going to look heinous. Heinous, by the way, is a word I just adore. Anyway, I finally agreed if that was the only way to get the disguise. I guess my mom is really afraid of weirdos or something, because she won't let anyone see the real me. Sadly enough, these brows aren't too far off from the real thing. I do have a very bad unibrow, and I'm a very hairy person. My legs are so hairy. I never, ever, liked them; and I never will. I want my mom to shave them, but truthfully, she's not that good with keeping up on her own, so there isn't much of a chance she's going to shave a kindergartener. She has very bad pickies on her legs a lot!
There's so much for me to catch you all up on. I started a karate class last week. I got a white belt to start with. I've only had one class so far, so I haven't learned how to karate chop anyone yet. I learned how to keep my balance and to hit a punching bag. I don't think either of the teachers have any experience with karate. It's at my community center, and its taught by two people that work there, but they aren't karate people. Good thing its free. I had on a brown sweatsuit with Ugg boots, and I tied my white belt around the whole thing, so it really didn't look that official. They only gave you a belt, not that real karate outfit that I've seen on other kids. Like I said, it's free. This week I'm going to try and wear something that matches the belt better. I did tell my mom to never let the belt hit the ground, because I have to respect it. I don't even know what that means, but thats what the teachers said. My mom said that the belt must follow the same rules as the American flag or something. She thought that sounded a little strange, but she never took karate herself, even though she sometimes pretends to know certain moves.
My gymnastics classes are going very well. You should see my cartwheel. It's sensational. I am also getting better at handstands. I spend most of my free time doing cartwheels and kicking my legs up wherever I can. I'm addicted to this gymnastics thing!
I went to see a great movie on Friday night. It was called Beverly Hills Chihuahua. If you click on that, you can go to the official website. I really loved it. My older sister thought it was horrible, but not me. It was about a dog that got lost in India, and other dogs helped her find her owners. My mom is saying that the dog, Chloe, got lost in Mexico, but she didn't see it, so I don't know how she knows. It looked like India to me. There were a lot of Indian people around when that dog got lost. My mom thinks they were Mexican people, but I told her, I think they are the same kind of people, anyway, so who really cares.
I also picked out my Halloween costume, too, I'm going to be a beautiful fairy. I would say that I'll have my mom put a picture on here of me on Halloween, but let's face it, I won't be beautiful, because I'll be a fairy with that disguise on again. I'll look like a real nut.
Hope someone is still reading this. Post some comments. I have to go to bed now. --Matilda

1 comment:

Liz said...

Great post, MW! Please don't practice your karate on your cousins.